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CMS Brightspot e SEVN

SEVN is a strategic partnership of Brightspot in Brazil. This collaboration gathers SEVN experience in CMS with the highly customizable technology of Brightspot to offer unparalalleled digital experiences to customers.

As Brightspot partners, we are specialists in implementing, integrating and customizing CMS solutions with success for organizations of all sizes and segments.

Why choose CMS Brightspot?

CMS Brightspot is a leading platform in the content management market and digital experience, with advanced resources and usage easiness.

Its scalable model can be adapted to the strategic needs of the company today and in the future. It has a robust library of resources ready to use, totally customizable to meet your company demands and content collaborators.

Brightspot is highly flexible and can be integrated to other existent systems and technologies, allowing companies to enjoy the their investments in IT infrastructure to the fullest.

Who is it for?

CMS Brightspot is recognized for its custom-made and intuitive user interface, that makes it easier for editors, writers and content teams to do their jobs.

CMS Brightspot is ideal for midsize and large companies and organizations, that deal with a big volume of data and content and that look for advanced solutions in digital content management. It’s used worldwide by organizations of different segments, including:

Entertainment and Media Companies

Entertainment and Media Companies

Editorial Companies

Editorial Companies

News and Information Companies

News and Information Companies

E-Commerce Companies

E-Commerce Companies

Travel and Hospitality Companies

Travel and Hospitality Companies

Sports and Entertainment Companies

Sports and Entertainment Companies

Corporate Organizations

Corporate Organizations

Among others.

Among others.


CMS Brightspot x CMS Open Source

The difference between CMS Brightspot and a CMS Open Source is significative and impacts several areas inside an organization. Here are some main differences:

Differences CMS Brightspot CMS Open Source
Resources and functionalities Wide range of resources ready to use Basic functionalities by standard
Customization Allows a high capacity of customization Customization can demand more development effort and technical knowledge
Support Offers dedicated technical support, software regular updates and training resources Support may vary according to the development community
Cost Includes licensing, support and professional services Costs may emerge with customization, hosting, security and additional support
Security Offers robust integrated safety resources, kept by a team of security specialists May have security vulnerabilities, specially if not kept updated with the last security corrections
CMS Brightspot
Resources and functionalities Wide range of resources ready to use
Customization Allows a high capacity of customization
Support Offers dedicated technical support, software regular updates and training resources
Cost Includes licensing, support and professional services
Security Offers robust integrated safety resources, kept by a team of security specialists
CMS Open Source
Resources and functionalities Basic functionalities by standard
Customization Customization can demand more development effort and technical knowledge
Support Support may vary according to the development community
Cost Costs may emerge with customization, hosting, security and additional support
Security May have security vulnerabilities, specially if not kept updated with the last security corrections

What does CMS Brightspot offer?

CMS Brightspot is designed to provide a flexible solution for those who need to create, manage and distribute digital content in an efficient and scalable manner.

Content Creation

Content Creation

Digital asset management

Digital asset management

Types and models of pre-constructed content

Types and models of pre-constructed content

Flexible architecture

Flexible architecture





Ready to use integrations

Ready to use integrations

User experience customization

User experience customization

Multichannel publication

Multichannel publication



Multisite capacity

Multisite capacity



Media Management

Media Management

Modern architecture

Modern architecture

Fast implementation

Fast implementation

Performance analysis and much more.

Performance analysis and much more.

Our Services SEVN-Brightspot

We have the technical knowledge and the understanding of the business challenges to guide you in all the project steps. Our headquarters in Brazil makes it easier to adequate CMS Brightspot to the local needs with the benefit of a global platform.

Pre-implementation strategy

Pre-implementation strategy

System integration

System integration

User experience customization

User experience customization

Customized development

Customized development

Platform implementation

Platform implementation

Training and support

Training and support

CMS configurations and customization

CMS configurations and customization

Why choose SEVN?

If you’re ready to enjoy all CMS Brightspot potential, get in touch with us to discuss your needs and specific objectives. We’re committed to offer the results that boost the growth and success of our customers.
